Globalization VS Internationalization for Entrepreneurs


  • Bambang Pratama Bina Nusantara University



business, globalization, internationalization, market, entrepreneur, manager


In an article in the Harvard Business Review Theodore Levitt published The Globalization of Markets. Business activities across the country after it became a very interesting topic of study for both academics and practitioners. This topic has become so phenomenal because his arguments about globalization is the economic convergence with business activities without any national barriers. In contrast to the internationalization that tends to narrow and tends to do business across national borders. Central idea must answered by manager and entrepreneurs is whether your market global or international. Before answering them it requires understanding and a new paradigm on this matter. Furthermore, Thomas Friedman in his book "The world is flat" also reinforces Levitt idea and prescript a world with evolution of information and technology. This new economic eras opened new opportunity on entrepreneur point of view. There is wide open door to enter global market and more easy to accelerate company growth or new business start-up. 


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Author Biography

Bambang Pratama, Bina Nusantara University

jurusan Management


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How to Cite

Pratama, B. (2011). Globalization VS Internationalization for Entrepreneurs. Binus Business Review, 2(1), 293-301.
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