Faktor Permintaan Non Fungsional Group Member terhadap Permintaan (Seri 1)


  • Iskandar Putong Universitas Bina Nusantara




non-functional demand, canonical correlation, hybrid inter-correlation


Non-functional analysis of demand factors on demand for group members are aimed to discover whether there is significant impact of non functional variable demand potential purchasing decision. 3 independent variable for the Snob Effect of X1, X2 for the bandwagon effect and X3 for the Veblen Effect and a dependent variable Y for Purchase Decision (Demand). The survey has 50 respondents and uses 21 item of a valid indicator. Analysis uses Pearson correlation model, Canonical Correlation and Hybrid intercorellation. The result of statistical analysis has proved the LOC by 95%, shows that there is significant impact between variable of X to Y in a different format (trade off or trade on). Multivariate Canonical Correlation showed that the effect of variable X to variable Y at 0,27%% whereas the effect of variable Y to variable X at 1% 


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Iskandar Putong, Universitas Bina Nusantara

Jurusan Manajemen 


Aloysius Albert A, 2009, Analisis Pengaruh Permintaan Non Fungsional Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen – Skripsi, BINUS Jakarta

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How to Cite

Putong, I. (2010). Faktor Permintaan Non Fungsional Group Member terhadap Permintaan (Seri 1). Binus Business Review, 1(2), 351-362. https://doi.org/10.21512/bbr.v1i2.1081
Abstract 732  .
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