Decoding Entrepreneurial Intentions Among University Students in the Digital Age: A Machine Learning Approach to Leadership and Attributes


  • Mulyani Karmagatri Bina Nusantara University
  • Isma Addi Jumri Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
  • Widodo Samyono Jarvis Christian University
  • Achmad Syamil Bina Nusantara University


Entrepreneurial leadership, entrepreneurial intention, machine learning, decision tree algorithm


Leadership and personal attributes have significant roles in leading a successful business organization. Meanwhile, how the pattern of leadership and personal attributes contribute to entrepreneurial intention is a new perspective in leadership and entrepreneurship research. To fill the gap and explore the pattern, this research examines the role of leadership and personal attributes in shaping entrepreneurial intention. This research employs a mixed-method approach, combining exploratory analysis and machine learning techniques. Data were collected from 127 entrepreneurial students in West Java, Indonesia. The data were collected using a web-based questionnaire consisting of 38 indicators that reflect the 5 variables (motivation, expectation, risk resistance, negative attitudes, and leadership).  The collected data were proceeded using exploratory factor analysis to test the reliability of each indicator and analyzed using a decision tree model to identify critical factors influencing entrepreneurial intention. The research findings reveal that negative attitudes are crucial in determining entrepreneurial intention, followed by motivation and leadership. The study explains how these attributes interact to influence entrepreneurial decisions. This study gives insight into improving the effective development program that fosters the key attributes by reducing negative attitudes. This research contributes to the broader field of leadership and entrepreneurship, offering an understanding of the role of personal attributes and leadership in driving entrepreneurial action.



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How to Cite

Karmagatri, M., Jumri, I. A., Samyono, W., & Syamil, A. (2024). Decoding Entrepreneurial Intentions Among University Students in the Digital Age: A Machine Learning Approach to Leadership and Attributes. Journal The Winners. Retrieved from



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