Impact of Pluri-Lateral Free Trade Agreements on Innovation: Example of ASEAN




innovation, plurilateral free trade agreements, intellectual property rights, patents, trade-marks


Innovation has been identified as a critical indicator for an economy to succeed in the fourth industrial revolution. Historically, some members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have been better known for violation of intellectual rights rather than their protection. However, this is changing as their economies develop and they have been better integrated into the global economy. Integration has been facilitated by their membership of the World Trade Organization and bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between individual states and their trading parties. ASEAN has entered into plurilateral FTAs with some of its trade partners. A key element of these plurilateral FTAs is that most dedicate a Chapter on the protection of intellectual property rights. These clauses have two essential elements. Firstly, they set out the obligations of the parties to protect intellectual property rights and their commitment to seek membership of intellectual property treaties. Secondly, the parties undertake to assist the lesser developed members with improving their processes and procedures so that they can accede to appropriate treaties. The research analysed the impact of these multilateral FTAs on the protection of patents and marks by the individual ASEAN members.


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Author Biographies

Nucharee Nuchkoom Smith, Department of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Dr. Nucharee Nuchkoom Smith

Dr. Smith graduated with degrees in Law and Political Science in Thailand. She graduated with a Master of International Trade and Commerce Law and a PhD in International Trade Law in Thailand. Nucharee was an Assistant Professor in International Law at Walailak University, Thailand.   From 1997 to 2011, she was an Academic/Legal Officer to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, Thailand. This occurred during one of the most turbulent periods in Thai parliamentary history. Her current research interests focus on international trade law.

Mark Perry, School of Law, University of New England, Australia

Prof. Mark Perry

Professor Perry has been Professor, Faculty of Law, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, since 2012, and Emeritus Professor of Computer Science and Law at the University of Western Ontario. He is an academic leader, legal professional and computer scientist with strong governance, management, coordination, and negotiation skills. Member of the Academic Board of the University of New England from 2013-2021, and Council Member and Chair of Board for three years. He is an experienced author, presenter, and speaker of over 200 publications in both law and technology, Advisor to governments, as well as expert opinions on law and technology.


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How to Cite

Smith, R., Smith, N., & Perry, M. (2023). Impact of Pluri-Lateral Free Trade Agreements on Innovation: Example of ASEAN. JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies), 11(1), 87-110.
Abstract 584  .
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