A Visual Identity-Based Approach of Southeast Asian City Branding: A Netnography Analysis


  • Bahtiar Mohamad Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Raji Ridwan Adetunji Zayed University
  • Ghadah Alarifi Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
  • Ahmed Rageh Ismail Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Muslim Diekola Akanmu Pauh Putra Campus




city branding, city identity, netnography, place branding, visual identity


Cities and places had been progressively being marketed as brands by using the concept of ‘City Branding', which is a unique idea. The scholars of ‘City Branding’ believed that the concept of branding helps the city in marketing activities. A city metaphorically could be seen as an entity given the advantage to display its visual characteristics to tourists, visitors, and residents. Unique visual identity such as iconic architecture and graphic design could make a city stands out from the others. Thus, the research examined the role of visual identity in city branding. Specifically, the aim was to contribute to better understanding of the concept of ‘visual identity’ in Southeast Asian cities. Netnography approach was employed to gain better understanding of the notion of visual identity of city branding and refine a conceptual framework that has been developed based on the existing literature. Elements such as iconic structure and graphic design (logo and slogan) of four cities in Southeastern Asia were emphasized. The research concludes that the components of the visual identity of the cities need to be reshaped to be aligned with their visual characteristics in order to boost their competitiveness among the global city brands.


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Bahtiar Mohamad, Universiti Utara Malaysia

DR. BAHTIAR MOHAMAD is a Senior Lecturer at Communication Department, School of Multimedia Technology and Communication, UUM. His degree is from National University of Malaysia; a Master of Science from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and a PhD from Brunel University, London, United Kingdom.

He has been serving Universiti Utara Malaysia for over 10 years. Formerly, he served as a Head of Communication Department, Faculty of Communication and Modern Languages, UUM for 3 years from 2005 - 2008. He teaches Public Relations, Corporate Communication, Communication for Managers and Organizational Image Management, which all combine to support his hybrid profession linking communication with the management.

His qualifications are in Business Administration and Corporate Communication. In recent years, his publication and research interests have focused on corporate communication and public relations. He is carrying out research in the area of corporate identity, corporate image, investor relations and corporate branding from the point of view of public relations and corporate communication.

He is Member of Institute of Public Relations Malaysia (MIPR), The Communication and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia (CMCF), World Communication Association (WCA) and Pacific & Asia Communication Association (PACA).


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How to Cite

Mohamad, B., Adetunji, R. R. ., Alarifi, G. ., Ismail, A. R. ., & Akanmu, M. D. (2022). A Visual Identity-Based Approach of Southeast Asian City Branding: A Netnography Analysis. JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies), 10(1). https://doi.org/10.21512/jas.v10i1.7330
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