Assessing the Expectations and Limitations of ASEAN-EU Counter-Terrorism Cooperation


  • Ali A. Wibisono Universitas Indonesia, Department of International Relations
  • Aisha R. Kusumasomantri Universitas Indonesia, Department of International Relations



Regional Securitization, Functionalism, Inter-regionalism, Counterterrorism, ASEAN, EU


This research examines the inter-regional security cooperation between ASEAN and the EU with a specific focus on counterterrorism. The research methods are based on a comparison of regional counterterrorism governance between the two regions and a close reading of Plan of Actions for the enhancement of ASEAN-EU relations documents from 2007 to 2018. The results show that CT cooperation is about facilitating a more comprehensive security governance cooperation where European standards and experience are transferred to Southeast Asia for purposes of regional security and diplomatic relations. In addition, this research also shows that EU-ASEAN CT cooperation has not been geared specifically to combat radicalism, or as part of a Counter Violent Extremism program; rather, the inter-regional cooperation has mainly focused on building a common normative framework in responding to terrorism within the corridor of democracy and preempting the terrorist networks from exploiting connectivity networks. Finally, implementation of security and political cooperation between the EU and ASEAN tend to rely on the existing extra-regional dialogue fora within ASEAN as well as direct engagement between the EU and third parties comprising each of the ASEAN states.


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Author Biography

Ali A. Wibisono, Universitas Indonesia, Department of International Relations

Ali Abdullah Wibisono is a lecturer and vice director of the graduate program at the Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia. He obtained his Ph. D (2015) and MA (2008) from the University of Nottingham, and bachelor’s degree (2005) from Universitas Indonesia. He writes mostly on the dynamics of terrorism and counter-terrorism in Indonesia and non-traditional security cooperation in East Asia. He convenes modules of international security studies in Universitas Indonesia, including Theories of International Security and Non-Traditional Security, as well as International Relations Theories, Indonesian Foreign Policy and International Relations in the Middle East. He has written in national journals and newspapers on Indonesian and Southeast Asian defense and security matters.


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How to Cite

Wibisono, A. A., & Kusumasomantri, A. R. (2020). Assessing the Expectations and Limitations of ASEAN-EU Counter-Terrorism Cooperation. JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies), 8(1), 61-80.
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