The Radical Politics of Nation-States: The Case of President Rodrigo Duterte


  • Christopher Ryan Baquero Maboloc Ateneo de Davao University



Radical Democracy, Terrorism, President Duterte, Disruptive Politics


The advent of terrorism in the midst of political conflict requires an understanding of local context and history. Anti-establishment leaders like President Rodrigo Duterte expose the limits of liberalism. By applying the critical distinction between “politics” and the “political,” we can imagine an alternative framework in our desire to unravel the narrative of Duterte’s communitarian style. Disruption is not simply meant to put into question the status quo. The goal of progressive leadership is to transform society in ways that will improve the difficult lives of the people. While the president’s critics say that he is authoritarian, it will be argued that radical means are needed to overcome the failures of Philippine democracy.



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Author Biography

Christopher Ryan Baquero Maboloc, Ateneo de Davao University

Dr. Christopher Ryan Maboloc is an associate professor of philosophy at the Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines. He holds a doctorate degree in philosophy, maxima cum laude, from the University of San Carlos, Cebu City. He obtained his Master’s in Applied Ethics from Linkoping University in Sweden and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He was trained in Democracy and Governance at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in Bonn and Berlin, Germany. 


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How to Cite

Maboloc, C. R. B. (2018). The Radical Politics of Nation-States: The Case of President Rodrigo Duterte. JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies), 6(1), 82-96.
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