Rethinking Border Management: A Human Security Approach to Combating Human Trafficking in the Mekong Subregion


  • Firstyarinda Indraswari Ewha Womans University



Mekong Subregion, human security, border management, regulations


The research examined the relationship between border regulations, human trafficking, and human security in the Mekong subregion. The research applied a qualitative case study methodology to analyze border management policies from 1993 to 2023, employing the first and second-generation human security concepts as a theoretical framework. By focusing on specific regulations and agreements within the Mekong Subregion, the research assessed their ability to address transnational threats such as human trafficking. The findings reveal that while political and economic dimensions dominate, critical aspects of human security—such as personal, environmental, and community security—are often overlooked. Only 23% of border regulations explicitly address human trafficking, reflecting the persistence of state-centric, first-generation approaches that prioritize sovereignty and economic interests over people-centered solutions. The second-generation human security framework highlights the need for a multidimensional, collaborative approach to border management. However, the research analysis shows that existing policies fail to fully integrate human security dimensions, leaving significant gaps in addressing systemic vulnerabilities. This research contributes theoretically by bridging human security concepts with international relations studies, offering a more comprehensive understanding of border management's role in combating human trafficking. Empirically, it critically evaluates policy gaps and their implications for regional governance. By integrating human security principles, border management frameworks in the Mekong Subregion can better address the root causes of human trafficking, providing both theoretical advancements and practical insights for policy development.


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How to Cite

Indraswari, F. (2025). Rethinking Border Management: A Human Security Approach to Combating Human Trafficking in the Mekong Subregion. JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies), 12(2), 353-382.
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