Academic Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Lessons from Islamic Universities in Indonesia


  • Hangga Fathana Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Enggar Furi Herdianto Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Karina Utami Dewi Universitas Islam Indonesia


Academic capitalism, Islamic University, Indonesia


Indonesia's prospects of demographic bonus has prompted the rising demand for higher education access. Given the limited resources provided by the government through public universities, it enables private universities to fill in the gap on the market. Numerous universities were established not only for taking part in the market, but also as an opportunity to establish universities rooted with values within the society. Here, religion mostly becomes the value that is adopted as the core value of the education institution. As a rapidly developing region, Southeast Asia is also experiencing this phenomenon. This trend grows stronger especially in Indonesia which has the biggest Muslim community in the world. Not only the rising young generation who are more aware of religious value as the market, but also the rising number of universities who put Islamic values as their core principle and tools for promotion. On the other hand, universities are also experiencing pressure of academic capitalism, from the need to prioritize income generating activities over education and research, focusing on industrial needs rather than knowledge development, and other capitalism challenges on maintaining strong Islamic values under those pressures. This paper aimed to answer the question on how academic capitalism has reshaped Islamic higher education institutions as value-based universities in Indonesia to be dragged in aspiring to be world class universities. In pursuing this vision, this research examined how Islamic universities respond to the preexisting challenges, particularly in preserving its values in the midst of the hegemonic Anglo-Saxon model of world class university. This research employs a qualitative research methodology to explore the phenomenon of academic capitalism in Islamic universities in Indonesia. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with members of the Cooperation Body of Private Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia.


Author Biographies

Hangga Fathana, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Hangga Fathana is an Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations, Universitas Islam Indonesia. He currently serves as the Executive Secretary of Universitas Islam Indonesia. He researches and teaches on significant issues associated with global political economy, trade politics, and capitalism. He also has strong research interest in the Australia’s relations with the wider Asia Pacific region. He spent 11 years on various university administrative positions: academic programs, public relations, internationalisation, strategic partnership, students admission, and alumni retention.

Enggar Furi Herdianto, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Enggar Furi Herdianto is a lecturer and an Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations in Universitas Islam Indonesia. He obtained his bachelor degree of Political Science from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He also obtained his Master degree from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada as well. His research interests are focused on Southeast Asian Studies, East Asian Studies, Global Political Economy, Automotive Industry Policy, and Public Diplomacy.

Karina Utami Dewi, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Karina Utami Dewi currently serves as Head of the Department of International Relations, Universitas Islam Indonesia. She teaches and researches in peace and conflict studies, gender and politics, and politics of the United States.


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