Enhanced Financial Business Competitiveness by Leveraging Technology and Innovation





Financial Business, Business Competitiveness, Financial Technology, Financial Innovation


The financial industry has developed rapidly with the emergence of financial technology companies. Moreover, the use of technology in the financial industry has developed rapidly. However, conventional financial companies face tough challenges in doing business. They have to adopt the technology to survive. The adoption of technology will increase the competitiveness of established financial companies against financial technology companies. The research aims to analyze the impact of technology on improving the work process of established financial companies. It examines the business model of established financial companies and financial technology companies. The work process is almost identical for all companies. The research applies a qualitative method. The chosen companies are multi-purpose financing for the purchase of two-wheeled and four-wheeled motorized vehicles. The total number of companies involved in the research is four companies. The result concludes that conventional consumer finance companies need to adopt technology into the work process to compete with financial technology companies. Technologies that can be used are Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation job allocation, chatbot, and face recognition. The work process is reviewed by digitizing, eliminating, and moving. Then, technology adoption will require a large investment. Hence, consumer finance companies can collaborate with technology companies, including financial technology companies.


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