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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format. The file name should not exceed 50 characters with spacing.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • To comply with double-blind peer-reviewed policy, please do not write name in the manuscript file. All authors' names should only be put in metadata of OJS as instructed in Author Guidelines.
  • The author will charge the operational cost when the manuscript withdraw during review content.
  • The author has filled the authorship contributions form and data availability statement. Kindly upload the forms along with your article in the initial submission.

Author Guidelines

Article is written in English, single-spaced, two columns, 3.500–8.000 words length. Author’s name should not be written on the article but it should be put on the article metadata on Open Journal System (OJS) website. Author must fill out author’s profile on OJS website that consists of author Given Name, Family Name (If author only uses one name, fill the given name and family name with the same name), Affiliation (University/or Institution). Complete address of affiliation: Study Program, Department, Faculty/ School, University, City, Country, Postal Code.

Article contains TITLE, ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, and REFERENCES or the authors could use their own subsection that is similar to those subsections.

TITLE: Title must succinctly describes the contents of the research article and attracts the academic readers. The title consists of 8-12 words, not including definite article (the) and indefinite article ( a, an). Use the phrases, not sentences.

ABSTRACT: The abstract is a summary of the article. It consists of research objective, research methods, finding, and originality. Implications or recommendations can be added in the abstract. The abstract must be written in 200 - 250 words. The abstract must not contain lengthy background information and have no reference to figures, tables, equations, any bibliographical reference either coming within or other articles. The language of the abstract must be clear and concise. It is a stand-alone summary in one paragraph.

KEYWORDS: Keywords consist of important/ specific words or phrases found mainly in the title and abstract. But, it can also come  from the article. There are 3-5 keywords from one article.

INTRODUCTION: The introduction shows what is already known from the previous studies, defines the importance of the study, literature review, and state the research objective. In order to understand what is already known from the previous study, the introduction must consist of discussing the relevant journal article (with citation) and summarizing the current understanding of the problem encounter to show novelty of the research.

RESEARCH METHOD: The methods explain clearly how the author carried out the research. The method must describe the research design clearly, the replicable research procedures, describe how to summarize and analyze the data.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results show objectively the presentation of the research key results without any interpretation using text, tables and figures. The results begin with text, presenting the key finding, and referring to the tables and figures. The table must not print screen, specific numerical values, compare and contrast values, and minimum of 2 row and column. The figures must clear (provide original file as supplementary file in article submission), highlight trends, pattern, and relationship. The results must present how the author ensure the data validity and reliability.

The discussions show how the author interpret the results in light of what was already known, and to explain the new understanding of the problem after taking your results into consideration. The discussions must connect with the Introduction so it tells how your study contribute to the body of knowledge and society.

CONCLUSION: The conclusions show the answer or clarification of the research questions and  opportunities for future research

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The authors must acknowledge any sources of funding that supported the research and may acknowledge the outside reviewers of their drafts

REFERENCES: The references must consist of 80% from relevant and recent primary sources (such as article of journal or conference from last 5 years).  Citations and References are adapted from IEEE style and using reference manager software (Mendeley, Zotero, etc). Guidelines to IEEE style used for in-text citations and references is available  However, some adjustments are made to suit the need of CommIT. A quick guide as example is stated as follows. The samples below are taken randomly from various sources and for example purposes only. They are intended neither as ads and promos nor as the Editorial Board’s viewpoint or preferences

Writing guidelines of CommIT can be downloaded here

The template of CommIT can be downloaded here

For accepted article, please find the details here.

Thank you for your kind attention.

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