Decision Support System Design Model for Choosing Effective Learning Method in Higher Education Institution


  • Trisna Febriana Bina Nusantara University
  • Arif Budiarto Bina Nusantara University



Decision Support System, Effective Learning Method, Higher Education


In an educational institution, especially higher education, producing qualified graduates is the highest priority achievement. The quality of the graduates is highly dependent on the applied learning method. However, sometimes universities have difficulty in determining appropriate learning for their students. Determination of this decision requires a tool that can facilitate decisionmakers in analyzing all the considerations in choosing decisions. Another challenge is when the decision is shared among multiple stakeholders with equal contribution. It consequently creates a need for a mechanism that can provide an equal contribution for each stakeholder. The research tries to create a model to design a tool that can determine the decisions that need to be taken. This model is built with the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach. MCDA is selected because it can be implemented in a collaborative ecosystem where multiple stakeholders are involved. Then, a literature study is conducted to determine the attributes and decision-making parameters. In addition, the primary data derived from interviews to a total of 40 respondents consisting of students, lecturers, and staff are taken into consideration to complete the literature study. The literature review and interview output are then translated to some parameters that influence an effective learning system. The result shows that this model can be used as a reference in developing a web-based application as an implementation of MCDA.


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