Analysis of Decision Support System in Determining the Nutritional Status of Toddlers Using Simple Additive Weighting


  • Ofan Sofian Universitas Bung Karno
  • Joseph Joseph Universitas Bung Karno
  • Fauziyah Fauziyah Universitas Bung Karno



Decision Support System, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), Nutritional Status, Multiple- Attribute Decision Making


The problem that currently happens in the decision process of the nutritional status for toddlers is often based on manual calculation. However, the manual calculation is prone to data duplication, insufficient data, and a lack of availability of the data itself, which can hinder the monitoring status and the report. Therefore, to ease the determination and calculation process of the nutritional status of toddlers, the researchers conduct a study using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The SAW method is selected because it defines the best alternative and some other alternatives based on specified or preferred criteria. This research is conducted by finding the weight value of each attribute and rating the data to determine the nutritional status of toddlers. For the result, the researchers find there are no toddlers with malnutrition in Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Program Kerja Kelompok Kerja IV (PKK POKJA IV) of Depok.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Ofan Sofian, Universitas Bung Karno

Received the Master’s degree in Computer Science from STMIK ERESHA, Jakarta, Indonesia in 2014. He is an employee of a direct selling company as learning tech solution specialist, also lecturing in the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Bung Karno, Jakarta Indonesia, with interest in database, algorithm and programming.

Joseph Joseph, Universitas Bung Karno

Received the Master’s degree in Management from Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta, Indonesia in 2012. He is an employee from one of foreign companies engaged in oil & gas sector, also lecturing in the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Bung Karno, Jakarta Indonesia, with interest in Entrepreneurship & Project Management.

Fauziyah Fauziyah, Universitas Bung Karno

Received the Master's degree in Management Information System from Universitas Gunadarma, Jakarta, Indonesia in 2016. She is a lecturer in the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Bung Karno, Jakarta, Indonesia, with an interset in analysis, database and visual programming.


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How to Cite

O. Sofian, J. Joseph, and F. Fauziyah, “Analysis of Decision Support System in Determining the Nutritional Status of Toddlers Using Simple Additive Weighting”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 9-14, May 2020.
Abstract 1036  .
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