Lung Nodule Texture Detection and Classification Using 3D CNN




Image Processing, Lung Nodule, Pattern Recognition, Convolutional Neural Network, Transfer Learning


Following artificial intelligence implementation in computer vision field, especially deep learning, many Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) tools are proposed to help to detect lung cancer by the scoring system or by identifying the characteristics of nodules. However, lung cancer is a clinical diagnosis which does not provide detailed information needed by radiologists and clinician to prevent unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures compared to lung nodule texture detection and classification. Hence, to answer this problem, this research explores the steps needed to implement 3D CNN on raw thorax CT scan datasets and usage of RetinaNet 3D + Inception 3D with transfer learning. The 3D CNN CAD tools can improve the speed, performance, and ability to detect lung nodule texture instead of malignancy status done by previous studies. This research implements 3D CNN on Moscow private datasets acquired from NVIDIA Asia Pacific. The proposed method of data conversion can minimize information loss from raw data to 3D CNN input data. On training phase, after 100 epochs, the researchers conclude that the best-proposed model (3D CNN with transfer learning of pretrained LIDC public datasets weight) provides 22.86% of mean average precision (mAP) detection capability and 70.36% of Area Under the Curve (AUC) in Moscow private dataset lung texture detection tasks. It outperforms non-transfer learning 3D CNN model (trained from scratch) and 3D CNN with transfer learning of pre-trained ImageNet weight.


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Ivan William Harsono, Bina Nusantara University

Master of Computer Science Postgraduates


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How to Cite

I. W. Harsono, “Lung Nodule Texture Detection and Classification Using 3D CNN”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 91─103, Oct. 2019.
Abstract 1550  .
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