Color Extraction and Edge Detection of Nutrient Deficiencies in Cucumber Leaves Using Artificial Neural Networks


  • Arie Qur'ania Universitas Pakuan
  • Prihastuti Harsani Universitas Pakuan
  • Triastinurmiatiningsih Triastinurmiatiningsih Universitas Pakuan
  • Lili Ayu Wulandhari Bina Nusantara University
  • Alexander Agung Santoso Gunawan Bina Nusantara University



Color Extraction, Edge Detection, Nutrient Deficiencies, Artificial Neural Networks


The research aims to detect the combined deficiency of two nutrients. Those are nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and phosphorus and potassium (K). Here, it is referred to as nutrient deficiencies of N and P and P and K. The researchers use the characteristics of Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color and Sobel edge detection for leaf shape detection and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for the identification process to make the application of nutrient differentiation identification in cucumber. The data of plant images consist of 450 training data and 150 testing data. The results of identifying nutrient deficiencies in plants using backpropagation neural networks are carried out in three tests. First, using RGB color extraction and Sobel edge detection, the researchers show 65.36% accuracy. Second, using RGB color extraction, it has 70.25% accuracy. Last, with Sobel edge detection, it has 59.52% accuracy.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Arie Qur'ania, Universitas Pakuan

Computer Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Prihastuti Harsani, Universitas Pakuan

Computer Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Triastinurmiatiningsih Triastinurmiatiningsih, Universitas Pakuan

Biology Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Lili Ayu Wulandhari, Bina Nusantara University

Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science

Alexander Agung Santoso Gunawan, Bina Nusantara University

Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science


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How to Cite

A. Qur’ania, P. Harsani, T. Triastinurmiatiningsih, L. A. Wulandhari, and A. A. S. Gunawan, “Color Extraction and Edge Detection of Nutrient Deficiencies in Cucumber Leaves Using Artificial Neural Networks”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 23-30, May 2020.
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