Javanese Document Image Recognition Using Multiclass Support Vector Machine


  • Yuna Sugianela Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
  • Nanik Suciati Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya



Javanese Script, Recognition, Classification, Multiclass Support Vector Machine, One Against One Strategy


Some ancient documents in Indonesia are written in the Javanese script. Those documents contain the knowledge of history and culture of Indonesia, especially about Java. However, only a few people understand the Javanese script. Thus, the automation system is needed to translate the document written in the Javanese script. In this study, the researchers use the classification method to recognize the Javanese script written in the document. The method used is the Multiclass Support Vector Machine (SVM) using One Against One (OAO) strategy. The researchers use seven variations of Javanese script from the different document for this study. There are 31 classes and 182 data for training and testing data. The result shows good performance in the evaluation. The recognition system successfully resolves the problem of color variation from the dataset. The accuracy of the study is 81.3%.


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How to Cite

Y. Sugianela and N. Suciati, “Javanese Document Image Recognition Using Multiclass Support Vector Machine”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 25-30, May 2019.
Abstract 1280  .
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