Does Color Matter on Web User Interface Design


  • Wirania Swasty Telkom University
  • Andreas Rio Adriyanto Telkom University



Colors, Persuasive Design, SMEs, User Interface Design, Website


Emotional advertising on the Internet such as websites and social media can be highly beneficial for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). However, not all of
SMEs have a website that meets all of the principles of website design which are persuasive. Moreover, the color is rarely considered in making websites to raise the emotional bonding between the products and audiences of SMEs. Literature review, observation to four websites as case studies, and questionnaires distributed to respondents randomly were performed. This research aimed
to evaluate the extent to which SMEs from Bandung exploited the use of color as an element in the web User Interface (UI) design and to analyze whether the
color could provide emotional bonding, so the visitors were interested in purchase or trial of the product. This research finds that participants responses to color are various in different demographic factors. is considered to successfully utilize the color in the web UI design to build its brand identity, raise interest in the trial of the product, and engage the consumer with the website. This research is expected to be a reference for
SMEs in creating emotion, motivation, and persuasion through website design.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Wirania Swasty, Telkom University

Faculty Member of School of Creative Industries, Visual Communication Design Study Program

Andreas Rio Adriyanto, Telkom University

Visual Communication Design School of Creative Industries


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How to Cite

W. Swasty and A. R. Adriyanto, “Does Color Matter on Web User Interface Design”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 17-24, Aug. 2017.
Abstract 5798  .
PDF downloaded 3638  .