Power System Stabilizer Design Based on a Particle Swarm Optimization Multiobjective Function Implemented Under Graphical Interface


  • Ghouraf Djamel Eddine University of SBA




Power system Stabilizer, Particle Swarm Optimization, multiobjective function, graphical interface


Power system stability considered a necessary condition for normal functioning of an electrical network. The role of regulation and control systems is to ensure that stability by determining the essential elements that influence it. This paper proposes a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based multiobjective function to tuning optimal parameters of Power System Stabilizer (PSS); this later is used as auxiliary to generator excitation system in order to damp electro mechanicals oscillations of the rotor and consequently improve Power system stability. The computer simulation results obtained by developed graphical user interface (GUI) have proved the efficiency of PSS optimized by a Particle Swarm Optimization, in comparison with a conventional PSS, showing stable   system   responses   almost   insensitive   to   large parameter variations.Our present study was performed using a GUI realized under MATLAB in our work.


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Author Biography

Ghouraf Djamel Eddine, University of SBA

Department of Electrical Engineering


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How to Cite

G. D. Eddine, “Power System Stabilizer Design Based on a Particle Swarm Optimization Multiobjective Function Implemented Under Graphical Interface”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 27-33, May 2016.
Abstract 678  .
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