Improving Scalability of Java Archive Search Engine through Recursion Conversion And Multithreading


  • Oscar Karnalim Maranatha Christian University



scalability, recursion conversion, multithreading, java archive search engine, multiprocess


Based on the fact that bytecode always exists on Java archive, a bytecode based Java archive search engine had been developed [1, 2]. Although this system is quite effective, it still lack of scalability since many modules apply recursive calls and this system only utilizes one core (single thread). In this research, Java archive search engine architecture is redesigned in order to improve its scalability. All recursion are converted to iterative forms although most of these modules are logically recursive and quite difficult to convert (e.g. Tarjan’s strongly connected component algorithm). Recursion conversion can be conducted by following its respective recursive pattern. Each recursion is broke down to four parts (before and after actions of current and its children) and converted to iteration with the help of caller reference. This conversion mechanism improves scalability by avoiding stack overflow error caused by method calls. System scalability is also improved by applying multithreading mechanism which successfully cut off its processing time. Shorter processing time may enable system to handle larger data. Multithreading is applied on major parts which are indexer, vector space model (VSM) retriever, low-rank vector space model (LRVSM) retriever, and semantic relatedness calculator (semantic relatedness calculator also involves multiprocess). The correctness of both recursion conversion and multithread design are proved by the fact that all implementation yield similar result.

Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Oscar Karnalim, Maranatha Christian University

Information Technology, Faculty of Information Technology


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How to Cite

O. Karnalim, “Improving Scalability of Java Archive Search Engine through Recursion Conversion And Multithreading”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 15-26, May 2016.
Abstract 862  .
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