A Study on Bipedal and Mobile Robot Behavior Through Modeling and Simulation


  • Nirmala Nirmala Swiss German University
  • Prianggada Indra Tanaya Dept. of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering
  • Maralo Sinaga International University Liason Indonesia




framework, mobile robot, behavior, modeling, simulation


The purpose of this work is to study and analyze mobile robot behavior. In performing this, a framework is adopted and developed for mobile and bipedal robot. The robots are design, build, and run as proceed from the development of mechanical structure, electronics and control integration, and control software application. The behavior of those robots are difficult to be observed and analyzed qualitatively. To evaluate the design and behavior quality, modeling and simulation of robot structure and its task capability is performed. The stepwise procedure to robot behavior study is explained. Behavior cases study are experimented to bipedal robots, transporter robot and Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) developed at our institution. The experimentation are conducted on those robots by adjusting their dynamic properties and/or surrounding environment. Validation is performed by comparing the simulation result and the real robot execution. The simulation gives a more idealistic behavior execution rather than realistic one. Adjustments are performed to fine tuning simulation's parameters to provide a more realistic performance.


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Author Biographies

Nirmala Nirmala, Swiss German University

Department of Mechatronics,Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Prianggada Indra Tanaya, Dept. of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering


Faculty of Engineering

Maralo Sinaga, International University Liason Indonesia

Department of Mechatronics, Faculty of Engineering


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How to Cite

N. Nirmala, P. I. Tanaya, and M. Sinaga, “A Study on Bipedal and Mobile Robot Behavior Through Modeling and Simulation”, CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-10, May 2015.
Abstract 757  .
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