Translation Techniques and Their Impacts to the Modality Orientation’s Shift in The Jungle Book Movie Subtitle


  • Arifah Tenny Romdhati Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Mangatur Nababan Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Riyadi Santosa Universitas Sebelas Maret



translation techniques, modality orientation, translation shift


This research aimed to analyze the translation techniques used by the subtitler to translate modality orientation and the impact of the translation techniques on the modality orientation shifts in “The Jungle Book” movie subtitle. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The data in this research were words, phrases, and clauses as the marker of modality orientation in the movie, and translation techniques used by the subtitler. Modality orientation was obtained through content analysis based on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theory as proposed by Halliday and Matthiessen (2014). Then, translation techniques were obtained through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as proposed by Molina and Albir (2002). The findings show that the subtitler uses seven techniques to translate modality orientation. They have established equivalence, modulation, discursive creation with established equivalence, deletion, transposition, discursive creation, and reduction with established equivalence. The subtitler uses established equivalence to translate orientation that produces same category, value, form, and orientation. Deletion technique, modulation, and creation discursive with established equivalence cause the loss of modality in the target language. Applying modulation, transposition, discursive creation, and reduction with established equivalence techniques make a shift on the modality orientation and also produce different meaning in the target language. The change of value in modality in the target language is caused by the use of modulation and reduction with established equivalence technique by the subtitler.


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Author Biographies

Arifah Tenny Romdhati, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Arifah Tenny Romdhati is a second-year postgraduate student of Linguistics Translation at Universitas Sebelas Maret. She received her bachelor’s degree in English Education at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in 2014.

Mangatur Nababan, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Prof. M Nababan, PhD. is a Professor in translation at the English Literature Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret. He had an important position, as chair of the Masyarakat Penerjemah Indonesia in 2006-2012; and now he is a Head of Linguistics Master Program. Nababan's bachelor's education was completed in English Literature program in 1986. He then continued his master degree at University of Houston, Texas and obtained his Master of Education in 1996. Then, he focused his study on the field of applied linguistics, particularly sociolinguistics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He earned a Master of Arts degree in 2000. Again, he returned to New Zealand to deepen his applied linguistics, at that time, he took concentration on the field of translation. With a dissertation entitled Translation Processes, Products, and Practices of Professional Indonesian Translators, Nababan successfully earned his Ph.D. from Victoria University of Wellington.

Riyadi Santosa, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Prof. Riyadi Santosa, Ph.D is currently Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Sebelas Maret, after previously became the Dean of Faculty of Cultural sciences and Fine Arts  in 2011-2015. He has been devoted to UNS since 1986, one year after earning his bachelor's degree. His master's and doctoral degrees in Applied Linguistics at The University of Sydney (1992) and Universiti Utara Malaysia (2010) have a large share that makes his capacity in linguistic research more qualified. Until finally with a scientific oration entitled Bahasa Sebagai Pembawa dan Penghela Ilmu Pengetahuan: Sebuah Refleksi berdasarkan Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional, Riyadi Santosa was confirmed as a professor in the field of Systemic Functional Linguistics on 3 August 2015. He is also active in three organizations, namely Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN), Masyarakat Linguistics Indonesia (MLI), and Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics in Indonesia (ASFLI), and International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (ISFLA).


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How to Cite

Romdhati, A. T., Nababan, M., & Santosa, R. (2018). Translation Techniques and Their Impacts to the Modality Orientation’s Shift in The Jungle Book Movie Subtitle. Lingua Cultura, 12(4), 375-381.
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