University Students’ Understanding on Cultural Activities in American Culture Class


  • Maryani Maryani Maranatha Christian University
  • Lewinna Christiani Aguskin Maranatha Christian University



cultural understanding, cultural activities, American culture, university students


This research examined university students’ cultural understanding based on cultural activities that they had experienced. The data were gathered from 20 Indonesian university students who were attending American culture class through a questionnaire and ten learning logs. These students had experienced four different types of cultural activities. They were asked to share the experiences they have had regarding the cultural activities in the questionnaire and their gained knowledge related to each cultural activities in the learning log. The qualitative data were analyzed manually and classified into tables. The findings were used to explore student’s understanding of the use of cultural activities in learning and understanding American culture. In conclusion, the students gain deeper understanding after experiencing the cultural activities regarding American culture. The cultural activities practiced in this research can be used and developed for other subjects to enhance teaching and learning process in the classroom, especially to increase students’ comprehension of the particular subjects.


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Author Biographies

Maryani Maryani, Maranatha Christian University

Maryani has been teaching English at English Department, Faculty of Letters, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia since 2003 until present. She gained her Master Degree in Applied Linguistics from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, United States in 2008. Her research interest is mainly about English learning and teaching, especially related to university students. 

Lewinna Christiani Aguskin, Maranatha Christian University

Lewinna Christiani Aguskin has been teaching English at D3 English Programme, Faculty of Letters, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia since 2000 until present. She gained her Master Degree in Applied Linguistics from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, United States in 2006. She is interested in researching about English teaching and learning and culture.


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How to Cite

Maryani, M., & Aguskin, L. C. (2018). University Students’ Understanding on Cultural Activities in American Culture Class. Lingua Cultura, 12(2), 169-177.
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