The Translation of Indonesian Proverbs into English Equivalents
translation, Indonesian proverbs, English equivalentAbstract
Translating Indonesian proverbs into their English equivalents reflects the complicated interaction between language, culture, and meaning. The research objective was to identify the different forms of Indonesian proverbs with equivalents in the English language and the cultural similarities and differences between Indonesian proverbs and their English equivalents. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methodology and employed document analysis. The data were collected in the form of documents from "Himpunan Lengkap Peribahasa Nusantara, "Kamus Peribahasa, "A Complete Collection of English Proverb, "Proverb from Around the World," and "Oxford Dictionary of Proverb. " From source texts with lexical elements relating to Indonesian culture terms, this research obtained another 57 Indonesian proverbs. The data was then analyzed by comparing the Indonesian proverb with its English version. The findings indicate that several Indonesian proverbs have equivalents in English with identical meanings. Nevertheless, there are dissimilarities in sentence and proverb classifications, as well as structural forms of proverbs, under the influence of factors such as history, religion, values, social organization, and language. This research differs from previous reserch, which focused more on meaning or word-for-word translation issues. It examines in detail the way cultural elements like history and religious symbols affect the expression of similar ideas in these two different language traditions. This new approach uncovers previously unconsidered patterns in the manifestation of Indonesian collectivist values and English individualist values in proverbs. This helps us further understand issues related to intercultural communication and translation studies. One of the recommendations is to conduct further research on EFL students' use of Indonesian proverbs and their English equivalents.
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