English Students’ Vocabulary Size and Level at a Private University in West Java, Indonesia


  • Fenty Lidya Siregar Universitas Kristen Maranatha (Maranatha Christian University)




vocabulary size, vocabulary level, English as Foreign Language (EFL), English


The research investigated the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) undergraduate students’ vocabulary knowledge (size and level). The research involved 40 second-semester students who were enrolling in two reading courses at an English Department in a private university in West Java, Indonesia. Vocabulary Size Test by Nation and Beglar; and Vocabulary Level Test by Webb, Sasao, and Ballance were used to gain data. It is found that the participants’ average vocabulary size is 8.732,5 word-families. The finding of the research also reveals that only ten students master 1.000-5.000 word-levels. It means that despite a big vocabulary size that many students have, 75% of them only know a limited high and mid-frequency vocabulary. The findings imply that the students still need to read graded readers to master high and mid-frequency levels. The current research project also indicates that the students might have met more low-frequency words than high and mid-frequency words in their language learning prior to their current extensive reading program.


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How to Cite

Siregar, F. L. (2020). English Students’ Vocabulary Size and Level at a Private University in West Java, Indonesia. Humaniora, 11(2), 77-83. https://doi.org/10.21512/humaniora.v11i2.6388



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