The Influence of Shaolin Teaching to Houjie’s Personality Change in Shaolin Film(2011) 少林教义对侯傑在《新少林寺》电影中人格变化的影响


  • Agustinus Sufianto Bina Nusantara University
  • Jemmy Tantra Bina Nusantara University
  • Fenny Gunadi Bina Nusantara University



shaolin, teaching, character, Houjie, new shaolin


New Shaolin is a famous film from China. The story tells about Houjie’s life and his personality change. Shaolin’s positive influence in Houjie’s life is the main purpose of this research. Research used references and the theory of Sigmund Freud of ID, Ego and Superego to analyze Houjie’s personality change. Result shows that
after receiving Shaolin’s teaching, he became a better man. In Shaolin, Houjie was forgiven. Shaolin’s teaching such as chanting a scripture can help improve his thoughts. Reflection and Kungfu brought Houjie out of his revenge and bad emotion, also bring harmony to his thoughts and heart. Houjie’s pre-character was dominated by his ID, but after he had entered Shaolin and learned Shaolin’s teaching, Houjie studied how to reach balance in 3 factors mentioned in the theory of personality.


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Author Biographies

Agustinus Sufianto, Bina Nusantara University

Chinese Department,Faculty of Humanities

Jemmy Tantra, Bina Nusantara University

Chinese Department,Faculty of Humanities

Fenny Gunadi, Bina Nusantara University

Chinese Department,Faculty of Humanities


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How to Cite

Sufianto, A., Tantra, J., & Gunadi, F. (2015). The Influence of Shaolin Teaching to Houjie’s Personality Change in Shaolin Film(2011) 少林教义对侯傑在《新少林寺》电影中人格变化的影响. Humaniora, 6(2), 212-220.



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