Community Participation in Developing Penglipuran Village in Bali as Tourism Village


  • Dewi Rachmawati LSPR Institute of Communication & Business
  • Lamria Raya Fitriyani LSPR Institute of Communication & Business


Community Participation, Tourism Village, Penglipuran, Bali


Tourism development in an area certainly needs to be supported by the surrounding community. For this reason, community participation is very important, especially in tourism areas such as Penglipuran Tourism Village, Bali Island. Penglipuran village is known as the traditional village of the Bangli kingdom. This research was conducted to determine the participation of the people of Penglipuran Village in developing their village as a Tourism Village. The paradigm used in this study is the constructivism paradigm with descriptive qualitative research methods. The informants interviewed in this study were the leaders of the Traditional Village or commonly called Kelian and also the people in Penglipuran Village. The answers from the informants were analyzed using the Theory of Social Change and The Theory of Community Participation. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that community participation in Penglipuran Village is in the partnership ladder. And currently it is classified as success, because there is an opportunity for the community to be actively involved in conveying it to the village government. In connection with the concept of community participation according to Cohen and Uphoff, in the decision-making process Kelian as a traditional village leader, does not have full authority. Program planning and decisions are formulated with all members of the village community. Likewise, during the implementation and evaluation stages of the program, even at the stage of enjoying the results, the entire village community was also involved.



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