The Alternative of Sensor Placement in Multi-Story Buildings through the Metric Dimension Approach: A Representation of Generalized Petersen Graphs


  • Asmiati Universitas Lampung
  • Akmal Junaidi Universitas Lampung
  • Ahmad Ari Aldino Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
  • Arif Munandar Universitas Lampung



metric dimension, sensor placement, multistory building, Petersen graph, Python programming


In a public facility or private office where many people can get together, a fire detection device is a mandatory tool as an emergency alarm in the facility. However, the expense of the installation of the device is a troublesome matter. So, optimization is needed to minimize the number of these devices. The way to implement is to select the appropriate position to place the devices in public facilities. The research discussed the placement of the sensors in multi-story buildings. The multi-story buildings could be represented as cube composition graphs with the number of rooms, and the connectivity between the floor and its rooms was equal. The concept of this multi-story building was modeled into a generalized Petersen graph where a vertex represented a room, and an edge was the connectivity of rooms. The basis obtained on that metric dimension was represented as a sensor placed on the building. Then, the optimization of device placement was seen as determining the metric dimensions of the Petersen graph. In the research, the alternative sensor placements were computed using the graph metric dimension approach implemented in Python. The research successfully implements the metric dimension of  to  using Python code to obtain the alternative of its basis. A basic alternative indicates the location of the device placement like fire detectors, network access points, or other sensors inside a building.


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Author Biographies

Asmiati, Universitas Lampung

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Akmal Junaidi, Universitas Lampung

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Ahmad Ari Aldino, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Informatics Department, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

Arif Munandar, Universitas Lampung

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


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How to Cite

Asmiati, Junaidi, A., Aldino, A. A., & Munandar, A. (2022). The Alternative of Sensor Placement in Multi-Story Buildings through the Metric Dimension Approach: A Representation of Generalized Petersen Graphs. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 13(2), 123-132.



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