Overall Equipment Effectiveness to Increase Productivity of Injection Molding Machine: A Case Study in Plastic Manufacturing Industry


  • Sunadi Sunadi Mercu Buana University
  • Humiras Hardi Purba Mercu Buana University
  • Else Paulina Mercu Buana University




Overall Equipment Effectiveness, company productivity, injection molding machine, plastic manufacturing industry


In line with the unstable market conditions in Indonesia, especially the plastic manufacturing industry, the companies need to be well prepared to survive. There were two research goals. First, it was to find out why the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) rate at the company did not meet the expected standard. Second, it was to determine what improvement should be made to increase the OEE for the machine. The research applied a case study in one of the plastic manufacturing industries located in Tangerang, Indonesia. It focused on the performance of Toshiba injection molding machine number 42/IS 450 GSW. The analysis was performed by applying Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) with support from other tools such as Pareto chart, Cause and Effect Diagram (CED), and six big losses. By following the whole framework of the research, it finds causes of why the OEE does not meet the target. Then, from the results, it can be concluded that the implementation of the methods has a positive impact on the company. The OEE rate increases from an average of 26,43% to 78,87%. It means the OEE rate has achieved the company target of 75%.


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How to Cite

Sunadi, S., Purba, H. H., & Paulina, E. (2021). Overall Equipment Effectiveness to Increase Productivity of Injection Molding Machine: A Case Study in Plastic Manufacturing Industry. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 12(1), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v12i1.6706



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