Pricing of Medical Instrument Products for Domestic Production through Investment Feasibility Analysis




medical instrument pricing, medical instrument products, domestic production, investment feasibility analysis


Pricing products is an important factor to penetrate the Indonesian market successfully. Since Indonesia’s medical device products market has more than 90% import, local production companies must be competitive in price. The current pricing approach relies on the cost of sold goods, profit margin, and cost. Hence, a new pricing model is needed. The price from the new model must be better than the current price from the conventional pricing approach. The research aimed to formulate a pricing model for local medical device products that the market could accept and provide a framework model in local production pricing using investment feasibility analysis. The research used mathematical models, engineering economics, and pricing frameworks to optimize product prices from a local company (PT Enesser Mitra Berkah). The studied object was the domestic production of Anesthesia A8500. The research has several findings. First, the Break-Even Point (BEP) (X2) is an alternative standpoint to determine the price in a local production investment for medical device products. Second, the production company can consider the market price (X3). The research develops a simple mathematical model of X3 > Y2 = X2 + Ct > X1 (Y2 = new price, X1= cost of sold goods, Ct = profit and cost). The result provides the pricing framework model as a new approach for developing a medical device product price when the company initiates new local production.



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Author Biographies

Hasbullah Hasbullah, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta

Department of Industrial Engineering

Mohamad Nasir, PT Enesers Mitra Berkah

Department of Design Engineering


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How to Cite

Hasbullah, H., & Nasir, M. (2021). Pricing of Medical Instrument Products for Domestic Production through Investment Feasibility Analysis. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 12(1), 9-18.



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