Using Certainty Factor Method to Handle Uncertain Condition in Hepatitis Diagnosis


  • Aprilia Eka Saputri
  • Nina Sevani Krida Wacana Christian University
  • Fajar Saputra
  • Richardo Kusuma Sali



Certainty Factor method, Hepatitis diagnosis


The research aimed to develop a web-based application using the certainty factor. The use of this certainty factor method allowed processing the data based on the degree of confidence from the experts and the users. The users inputted their symptoms each with the level of confidence. The inference engine drew some conclusions based on the matching process between the input and the rules in the knowledge-based. For every matching pair, the system would calculate the certainty factor. The knowledge-based was developed through discussion with three specialist physicians and literature in some previous studies. The evaluation of the system involved three specialists for validation testing and 51 respondents for BlackBox testing. The final result is displayed in the form of a percentage for each hepatitis type, explanation of first aid for hepatitis, and referral hospital for hepatitis patients. The result shows that the error rate in the diagnosis process is under 36%. Most of the respondents think that the quality of the system is good overall.


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How to Cite

Saputri, A. E., Sevani, N., Saputra, F., & Sali, R. K. (2020). Using Certainty Factor Method to Handle Uncertain Condition in Hepatitis Diagnosis. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 11(1), 1-10.



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