Estimator’s Property of Spatially Corrected Blundell-Bond on Dynamic of Spatial Durbin Panel Model Using Monte Carlo Simulation


  • widya reza Brawijaya
  • Henny Pramoedyo Brawijaya
  • Rahma Fitriani Brawijaya



estimator’s property, Spatially Corrected Blundell-Bond, panel dynamics, Monte Carlo simulation


This research discussed the properties of Spatially Corrected Blundell-Bond (SCBB) in overcoming the problem of endogeneity and spatial dependence that occur in dynamic Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) panels. The properties of the estimator tested were unbiased and normality. The properties test of the estimator was carried out using the Monte Carlo simulation approach. From the results of this research, it finds that the SCBB estimator has unbiased properties and follows a normal distribution. Based on the property of the estimator obtained, the SCBB parameter estimation method in the dynamic SDM panel model works well in overcoming endogeneity and spatial dependence problems.


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Author Biographies

widya reza, Brawijaya

Department of Statistic , Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang

Henny Pramoedyo, Brawijaya

Department of Statistic , Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang

Rahma Fitriani, Brawijaya

Department of Statistic , Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang


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How to Cite

reza, widya, Pramoedyo, H., & Fitriani, R. (2019). Estimator’s Property of Spatially Corrected Blundell-Bond on Dynamic of Spatial Durbin Panel Model Using Monte Carlo Simulation. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 10(2), 49-57.



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