Performance Comparison of Firefly and Cuckoo Search Algorithms in Optimal Thresholding of Cancer Cell Images


  • Daniel Martomanggolo Wonohadidjojo Ciputra University



performance comparison, Firefly algorithm, Cuckoo Search algorithm, cancer cells


This research presented a performance comparison of the two methods in cancer cells image processing. Each method consisted of two stages. The first stage was image enhancement using fuzzy sets. The second stage was optimal fuzzy entropy based image thresholding. In the thresholding stage, the first method used Firefly Algorithm (FA) and the second used Cuckoo Search (CS). In both methods, four performance metrics (Mean Squared Error (MSE), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structured Similarity Indexing Method (SSIM), and Feature Similarity Indexing Method (FSIM)) and variance and entropy of the images were computed to validate the comparison. The image histograms of both methods show that the distribution of red, green, and blue channel is better than the histograms of original images. In terms of the four metrics, the method that uses FA shows higher performance than CS. In terms of image variance and entropy, the method using CS shows better results than FA. These results suggest that when the performance metrics used are MSE, PSNR, MSSIM, and FSIM, the method using FA is more suitable for cancer cells image enhancement and thresholding. However, when the variance and entropy of the images are used as the performance metrics, the method using CS is more suitable for cancer cells image enhancement and thresholding. Both methods will be useful to assist in the analysis of cancer cell images by the experts in the field.


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How to Cite

Wonohadidjojo, D. M. (2019). Performance Comparison of Firefly and Cuckoo Search Algorithms in Optimal Thresholding of Cancer Cell Images. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 10(1), 29-36.



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