Enhancing Technopreneurship Project Management System with Coaching and Mentoring Features


  • Stephanus Eko Wahyudi Universitas Ciputra
  • Kartika Gianina Tileng Universitas Ciputra




mentoring, project management system, final project, learning management system, e-learning


This research aimed to find the system features for remote, synchronous, and asynchronous communication and collaboration among the students. The research design was through an exploratory case study. The data collection method was in-depth interview with experienced supervisors and the subject coordinators. The result of the research is the necessary features to be included in the updated version of the information systems. The various coaching and mentoring features can support subject coordinators, supervisors, and students and allow them to complete the subject on time and in accordance with the standards


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Author Biographies

Stephanus Eko Wahyudi, Universitas Ciputra

Teknik Informatika, Faculty of Creative Industries

Kartika Gianina Tileng, Universitas Ciputra

Teknik Informatika, Faculty of Creative Industries


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How to Cite

Wahyudi, S. E., & Tileng, K. G. (2017). Enhancing Technopreneurship Project Management System with Coaching and Mentoring Features. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 8(4), 235-240. https://doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v8i4.4135



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