Indonesian News Harvester and Recommender System


  • Adi Wibowo Petra Christian University
  • Rolly Intan Petra Christian University
  • Nydia Valentina Petra Christian University



recommender system, vector space model, Rocchio relevance feedback


To provide convenience for the user that frequently read the news, a system to gather, classify, and provide news from several news websites in one place was needed. This system utilized a recommender system to provide only relevant news to the user. This research proposed a system architecture that used vector space model, and Rocchio relevance feedback to provide specific news recommendation to user’s feedback. The results are that the proposed system architecture can achieve the goal by using five levels of feedback from the user. However, the time needed to gather news is increasing exponentially in line with the number of terms gathered from articles.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Adi Wibowo, Petra Christian University

Informatics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology

Rolly Intan, Petra Christian University

Informatics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology

Nydia Valentina, Petra Christian University

Informatics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology


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How to Cite

Wibowo, A., Intan, R., & Valentina, N. (2017). Indonesian News Harvester and Recommender System. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 8(3), 171-176.



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