Implementasi Data Warehouse dan Data Mining: Studi Kasus Analisis Peminatan Studi Siswa


  • Eka Miranda Bina Nusantara University



specialization studies, data warehousing, data mining


This paper discusses the implementation of data mining and their role in helping decision-making related to students’ specialization program selection. Currently, the university uses a database to store records of transactions which can not directly be used to assist analysis and decision making. Based on these issues then made the data warehouse design used to store large amounts of data and also has the potential to gain new data distribution perspectives and allows to answer the ad hoc question as well as to perform data analysis. The method used consists of: record analysis related to students’ academic achievement, designing data warehouse and data mining. The paper’s results are in a form of data warehouse and data mining design and its implementation with the classification techniques and association rules. From these results can be seen the students’ tendency and pattern background in choosing the specialization, to help them make decisions.



Plum Analytics


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