Dampak Sistem Penghawaan dan Pencahayaan terhadap Sick Building Syndrome


  • Daryanto Daryanto Bina Nusantara University




ventilation, natural light, sick building syndrome, free radicals


Activities of office workers are most spent indoors. Unwittingly office buildings and enclosed spaces with air conditioning system usually do not have good ventilation and allow natural lighting. This condition may cause sick building syndrome (SBS). It is a collection health issues arising in relation to the time spent in a building and the air quality. A study was conducted through a literature review and field observations to obtain the impacts of SBS, as well as the prevention and solution of architectural aspects. From the results of the study, it was obtained that printer, computer, cigarette smoke, building materials, etc., gave rise to free radicals. The
air polluted by free radicals may cause medical problems such as headaches, eye irritation, quickly tired and weary body, runny nose, itchy throat, difficulty in concentrating, dry skin and dry cough. This research is expected to improve the quality of life of workers that can be started from the improved quality of health.


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Author Biography

Daryanto Daryanto, Bina Nusantara University

Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering


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Goldstein, Walter E. (2011). Sick Building Syndrome and Related Illness, Prevention and Remediation of Mold Contamination. Florida: CRC Press.

Haryanto, Budi. (2009). Pengaruh suplemen antioksidan terhadap sick building syndrome. Seminar Sick Building Syndrome, FKM-UI/IAKMI.

Wahab, Sabah Abdul. (2011), Sick Building Syndrome in Public Building and Workplaces. London: Springer.




How to Cite

Daryanto, D. (2013). Dampak Sistem Penghawaan dan Pencahayaan terhadap Sick Building Syndrome. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 4(2), 1386-1392. https://doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v4i2.2676



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