Pengujian Kapasitas Lentur dan Kapasitas Tumpu Konstruksi Dinding Alternatif Berbahan Dasar Epoxy Polystyrene (EPS)


  • Agus Setiawan Bina Nusantara University



Epoxy Polystyrene, wire mesh, flexural capacity, bearing capacity


This research has an objective to investigate the capacity of alternative wall panel construction, with EPS (Epoxy Polystyrene) as a based material. EPS with 5 cm of thickness and 1 m of width used as specimens at this research. The specimens reinforced with wire mesh (4 – 150 mm) both sides, and finished by mortar cement with 1,5 and 3 cm of thickness. Each specimen was tested in the laboratory to obtain their flexural capacity and bearing capacity. Specimen with 8,5 cm of thickness has 150 kg/m2 of flexural capacity, while specimen with 11 cm of thickness has 450 kg/m2 of flexural capacity. Alternative wall panel with EPS, can be used as a bearing wall, with 2,9 tons/m of bearing capacity.



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How to Cite

Setiawan, A. (2010). Pengujian Kapasitas Lentur dan Kapasitas Tumpu Konstruksi Dinding Alternatif Berbahan Dasar Epoxy Polystyrene (EPS). ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 1(2), 1053-1061.



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