BFC Method For Prediction of Transient Head on Seepage Path


  • Sherly Hartono Bina Nusantara University



BFC method, critical head, flood, free surface, levee, piping, seepage


Seepage causes weakening of levees and can cause levee failure or overtopping due to levee settlement. A numerical method, called the boundary fitted coordinate (BFC) method, was developed to determine seepage through a levee and the transient head on the seepage path due to the changing water level during a flood. The BFC transforms the physical coordinate system into a computational curvilinear coordinate system. The grid generated in this method accurately represents the boundary of the system regardless of its complexity.



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How to Cite

Hartono, S. (2010). BFC Method For Prediction of Transient Head on Seepage Path. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 1(2), 824-833.



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