Tantangan Pewirausaha di Bidang TI: Bagaimana Menghasilkan Keuntungan dari Ide? Studi Kasus Pada PT “IPS” (Payment Gateway)


  • Yuliana Lisanti Bina Nusantara University




entrepreneur, IT entrepreneur, customer behavior


It was not easy to start a business, let alone to run it. However, the spirit and ideas of the three founder of PT “IPS” has successfully created an innovative business that is a payment gateway to help sellers and buyers to make purchases online. However, there is a major problem for many IT entrepreneurs faced by PT “IPS” that is how to gain profit from the business. PT “IPS” hopes to make a profit from the efforts undertaken By understanding customer behavior and how other business people can get profit from the business relating to technology, such as improving customer value, distinguishing between types of member and amenities, providing "ignored" biaya by the user and working with other business people in the same field.

Plum Analytics


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How to Cite

Lisanti, Y. (2014). Tantangan Pewirausaha di Bidang TI: Bagaimana Menghasilkan Keuntungan dari Ide? Studi Kasus Pada PT “IPS” (Payment Gateway). ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 5(1), 65-74. https://doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v5i1.2584



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