Analisis dan Perancangan E-Learning Sebagai Fasilitas Pendukung Proses Pembelajaran (Studi Kasus: SMAK Kalam Kudus Ii )


  • Agus Putranto Bina Nusantara University
  • Idris Gautama Bina Nusantara University
  • Daniel Citra Bina Nusantara University



E-Learning, learning process


Information and technology nowadays develop rapidly in every sector, including in education. Saome problem occurs in studying process, so that needed a system which is able to produce an E-Learning aplication that can be used to support the studying process at SMAK Kalam Kudus II. This observation try to analyze and design an E-Learning aplication at SMAK Kalam Kudus II. The final result is an E-Learning aplication that can be used to support the studying process at SMAK Kalam Kudus II between teachers ad students and also a facility such as lesson’s schedule, test’ schedule, download lessons and tasks, score and a media like forum that can link between parents and teachers.



Plum Analytics


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How to Cite

Putranto, A., Gautama, I., & Citra, D. (2010). Analisis dan Perancangan E-Learning Sebagai Fasilitas Pendukung Proses Pembelajaran (Studi Kasus: SMAK Kalam Kudus Ii ). ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 1(2), 606-620.



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