Data Warehouse, Data Mining Dan Konsep Cross-Selling Pada Analisis Penjualan Produk


  • Eka Miranda Bina Nusantara University
  • Natalya Elfreida Bina Nusantara University



decision, cross-selling, data warehousing, data mining.


This paper is about designing and implementing data warehousing and data mining, along with their roles in supporting decision-making related to sales product analysis in cross-selling concept of PT XYZ. The database the company used is not supporting data analysis and decision-making. Therefore, it made a data warehousing design that could be used to keep data in a huge amount and could give report and answer from user’s questions in ad hoc. The method is used to design and implement data warehousing and data mining which consists of literature study, company problem analysis, and data warehousing design, and testing result. The writing results are a data warehousing design and data mining and also the implementation of cross-selling concept to analysis the sales, purchases, and customers’ cancellation data. The data could be showed and analyzed from some point of views that could help managers to analyse and acknowledge more information.



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How to Cite

Miranda, E., & Elfreida, N. (2010). Data Warehouse, Data Mining Dan Konsep Cross-Selling Pada Analisis Penjualan Produk. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 1(2), 344-355.



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