Investment Cost Model in Business Process Intelligence in Banking And Electricity Company


  • Arta Moro Sundjaja Bina Nusantara University,



Business process intelligence, business process management, investment cost model


Higher demand from the top management in measuring business process performance causes the incremental implementation of BPM and BI in the enterprise. The problem faced by top managements is how to integrate their data from all system used to support the business and process the data become information that able to support the decision-making processes. Our literature review elaborates several implementations of BPI on companies in Australia and Germany, challenges faced by organizations in developing BPI solution in their organizations and some cost model to calculate the investment of BPI solutions. This paper shows the success in BPI application of banks and assurance companies in German and electricity work in Australia aims to give a vision about the importance of BPI application. Many challenges in BPI application of companies in German and Australia, BPI solution, and data warehouse design development have been discussed to add insight in future BPI development. And the last is an explanation about how to analyze cost associated with BPI solution investment.


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How to Cite

Sundjaja, A. M. (2016). Investment Cost Model in Business Process Intelligence in Banking And Electricity Company. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 7(2), 113-120.



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