Integrating Preventive Maintenance Scheduling As Probability Machine Failure And Batch Production Scheduling


  • Zahedi Zahedi Bina Nusantara University
  • Ashadi Salim Bina Nusantara University



integrated model, batch scheduling, maintenance scheduling, actual flow time, machine failure probability


This paper discusses integrated model of batch production scheduling and machine maintenance scheduling. Batch production scheduling uses minimize total actual flow time criteria and machine maintenance scheduling uses the probability of machine failure based on Weibull distribution. The model assumed no nonconforming parts in a planning horizon. The model shows an increase in the number of the batch (length of production run) up to a certain limit will minimize the total actual flow time. Meanwhile, an increase in the length of production run will implicate an increase in the number of PM. An example was given to show how the model and algorithm work.


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How to Cite

Zahedi, Z., & Salim, A. (2016). Integrating Preventive Maintenance Scheduling As Probability Machine Failure And Batch Production Scheduling. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 7(2), 105-112.



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