Continuous Audit: Implementasi dan Pengendalian Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Menjalankan Fungsi Audit yang lebih Efektif dan Efisien


  • Siti Elda Hiererra Bina Nusantara University
  • Mario Octaviano Ignatius Sarayar Bina Nusantara University



continuous audit (CA), contiuous auditing vs traditional auditin, leveraging audit technology, continuous monitoring, control risk & pre-mature fraud


Information Technology (IT) continues to transform how organizations function, communicate and do business with customers, partners and agents. Directors, audit committee, management and stakeholders sincerely hope their auditors more adept at using technology both in the field of audit (Audit Leveraging Technology) to develop a thorough understanding of how they control the company's processes and internal controls. The research methodology to be used is quantitative observation methodology, by collecting data from various data sources such as journals and literature on Continuous Auditing, both best practice (Practical Approach) as well as theoretical and raw concept of Continuous Auditing (Teorical Approach). Impact on the internal audit process and methodology by using Continuous Audit will be very revolutionary and a major impact on the development of the company's business and also the audit function which is run by the company.


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How to Cite

Hiererra, S. E., & Sarayar, M. O. I. (2014). Continuous Audit: Implementasi dan Pengendalian Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Menjalankan Fungsi Audit yang lebih Efektif dan Efisien. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 5(2), 763-774.



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