Multiple Classifier System for Handling Imbalanced and Overlapping Datasets on Multiclass Classification


  • Dessy Siahaan IPB University
  • Anwar Fitrianto IPB University
  • Khairil Anwar Notodiputro IPB University



Multiple Classifier System (MCS), imbalanced datasets, overlapping datasets, multiclass classification


The performance of classification models suffer when the dataset contains imbalanced and overlapping data. These two conditions are already challenging separately and even more complex if they occur together. In the research, an ensemble method called a Multiple Classifier System was proposed to address these issues by combining K-Nearest Neighbour and Logistic Regression. The Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) method was also applied to balance the dataset. The One Versus One (OVO) decomposition technique helped the multiclass classification process. A simulation with 18 scenarios proves that the MCS-SMOTE model can handle these problems by providing good performance. The model’s performance is also tested using empirical data on Poverty in West Java in 2021. Empirical data also show that the proposed method performs well, with an accuracy rate of 80.09%, an F1 score of 0.782, and a G-Mean of 0.242. The areas with the highest poverty rates are Bogor, Bekasi City, Bandung City, Bekasi Regency, and Depok City, located near DKI Jakarta, the capital city. Based on existing predictor variables, poor households in West Java are more likely to occur when they do not have access to credit, the number of household members is more than three, multiple families live in one building, and the head of the household has not graduated from elementary school.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Dessy Siahaan, IPB University

Statistics and Data Science, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Anwar Fitrianto, IPB University

Statistics and Data Science, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Khairil Anwar Notodiputro, IPB University

Statistics and Data Science, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


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How to Cite

Siahaan, D., Fitrianto, A., & Notodiputro, K. A. (2024). Multiple Classifier System for Handling Imbalanced and Overlapping Datasets on Multiclass Classification. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 15(1), 41-51.



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