Classification of BINUS University Student Organizations’ Logos from the Perspective of Visual Construction


  • Candi Reggi Sonia Bina Nusantara University
  • Petrus Lakonawa Bina Nusantara University



This research focuses on the classification of BINUS University student organizations’ logo using textual qualitative approach. It aims at analyzing how they chose the shape of the logo in order to express their identity. This research is framed by three significant focal points in view of its construction namely, the combination of picture mark and letter mark, the integration of picture mark within letter mark or vice versa, and letter mark only. The result of this research shows that the officials of the organizations tend to choose logo that has aesthetic quality in simple visual form rather than complicated one. This research also closely observes the making process of the logo and its classification up to its final appointment as the official logo of the student organizations.

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Author Biographies

Candi Reggi Sonia, Bina Nusantara University

New Media Program, Visual Communication Design Department, School of Design, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia

Petrus Lakonawa, Bina Nusantara University

Character Building Development Center, Computer Science Department,
Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia


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How to Cite

Sonia, C. R., & Lakonawa, P. (2019). Classification of BINUS University Student Organizations’ Logos from the Perspective of Visual Construction. SEEIJ (Social Economics and Ecology International Journal), 3(1), 1-4.



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