Call for Paper Becoss Vol. 6 No. 1


Dear respected authors and readers,

You are invited to submit a manuscript to The BECOSS Journal. 

BECOSS Journal is a triannual journal published in January, May, and September. The journal is hosted by the Lecturer Resource Center (LRC) of Universitas Bina Nusantara. The journal contents are managed by the School of Design, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Economics and Communication, and Binus Business School has been indexed and abstracted by Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Google Scholar, Crossref, and Dimensions.
Papers that will be published in the edition of Vol. 6. No. 1 January 2024, we received no later than December 31, 2023. Becoss Journal invites academicians and professionals to write their ideas, concepts, new theories, or science development in the field of business, management, marketing, accounting, economics, communication, tourism, design, animation, media, language, education, and psychology.

Additional information about the journal, including instructions for authors, is available at:

Warm regards,

Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi, S.Psi., M.Si, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief of BECOSS Journal