
  • Nafis Dwi Kartiko Directorate General of Taxation
  • Ismi Fathia Rachmi Students of the Doctoral Program in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University



fintech, peer-to-peer lending, value-added tax


Fintech is one of the newest business models in finance that take advantage of technological advances. One form of fintech in Indonesia is peer-to-peer lending. Based on the 1984 VAT Law, one service not subject to value-added tax is financial services. The reason globally for this is the difficulty in determining the tax base. However, according to the authors, these reasons cannot be accepted by considering the peer-to-peer lending business model. The authors provide reasons based on classical theory and existing empirical facts. This research outlines the urgency of establishing laws at the level of laws on fintech and the imposition of value-added taxes on peer-to-peer lending in Indonesia. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the government needs to (1) encourage the formation of laws and regulations at the level of the law on fintech to include criminal provisions such as laws in other financial institutions; (2) imposing a value-added tax on peer-to-peer lending, and (3) We encourage tax authorities to issue implementing regulations related to the imposition of value-added tax on peer-to-peer lending in Indonesia.


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