Structural Time Series Model using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Rice Price


  • Rifdatun Ni'mah Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya



Structural, Time Series, Hamiltonian, Rice Price


Although forecasts of future events are simply uncertain, predicting is one of the most important aspects of future planning. Accurate rice price predictions tend to be helpful for wholesalers, producers, and farmers to develop plans and strategies to reduce the risks that can be faced. Structural time series models are the most plausible alternative for long-term forecasting. This paper proposes an alternate method for modeling average rice prices using structural time series along with Bayesian parameter inference via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). The model has been built using the monthly average wholesale rice price from January 2010 to December 2019. For working out both structural time series and HMC, the TensorFlow Probability Library was used. Linear trend, seasonal, and autoregressive components were combined as an additive model to the structural time model. The proposed Hamiltonian parameter produces an optimal acceptance rate. Their trace plot was used to diagnose the convergence of their chain. One of the predictive accuracy of models was assessed using the mean absolute percent error (MAPE). Through both single and multiple chain iterations, the prediction accuracy of a year-ahead is highly accurate, with MAPE less than 2%. Long-term iteration draws during Hamiltonian Monte Carlo should be considered when attempting to achieve more convergence.


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