The Origin of The Basic Formula of The Fourier Series


  • Wikaria Gazali Bina Nusantara University



Fourier Series, Elementary Linear Algebra, Best Approximation, Least Squares Method


This paper discusses the Origin of the Basic Formula for the Fourier Series

f(t)=a0/2+∑k=1 [ak cos⁡(kπt/L)+bk sin⁡(kπt/L) ]

To obtain this model, the author derives the basic formula for the Fourier Series from Elementary Linear Algebra. In this derivation, we use the best approximation: least squares method whose details will be elaborated in this paper until we obtain the formula for the Fourier Series.


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Author Biography

Wikaria Gazali, Bina Nusantara University

Mathematics & Statistics Department, School of Computer Science


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